1-800-709-0906 or 604-277-5855 info@sostech.ca

Alaska Earthquake 2018

7 days ago a 7.0 earthquake struck near Anchorage, Alaska and rattled residents. We’ve all seen the images and watched the videos. Roads were destroyed, vehicles were stranded and people scrambled for cover. There were scenes of chaos, images of terrified students taking cover in class and the sounds of sirens wailing. It amazed me how many people pulled out cell phones to record and did not DROP, COVER & HOLD. Despite all this there were no serious injuries and no deaths. People described the event as the most violent earthquake felt and thousands were without power for hours.

Here in BC, we live in an active earthquake zone yet I find most people I speak to are complacent about being prepared. Having an emergency plan, practicing that plan and investing in a 72hr emergency kit makes sense. Your emergency kit can be used for any event – earthquake, flood, fire or power outage. SOS can supply you with safety and survival kits for any of these emergencies. Our kits are available for 1 person, 4 person or a larger offices, school or business. We keep some of our kits small so they can be kept in your car and are easily mobile.

SOS School Safety Sweep

SOS School Safety Sweep

You can’t be everywhere as a teacher or school administrator but you know you can always do more to put the elements in place for more complete school safety. Yes, you figure it takes a special combination of supplies and training. The question is: How do you even begin to know what kind of supplies you might need? Where would those supplies be located and how many of these items is sufficient? What kind of emergency response training does your staff need? Let’s take a quick look at the essentials and then we’ll provide you with an easy way to ensure you’ve checked all the boxes on many of the major safety items and know-how your staff should have in place every day the bell rings.

The First Aid List 

Ice packs, gauze pads, adhesive tape, burn aid dressing, disposable nitrile gloves, tweezers, thermometer, bandage scissors, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment, hand sanitizer, bandages, and emergency eyewash.

Don’t make the mistake of putting your first aid items in one location alone, like the school office. Injuries can happen anywhere, after all. So in addition to common areas think about the classrooms that carry a higher degree of risk, such an industrial arts room, science lab or home economics class. 

The “No Seconds To Lose” Emergency List

Fire extinguishers, bleeding control kits and Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs).

Safety Products


When the hazard is far more serious and carries a life-threatening risk where there’s no time to spare, this is one category of product that you can’t be thin on. Obviously most school facilities will carry a fire extinguisher or two, but the locations may be few and far between. The same is also very true for AEDs – if there is an event of Sudden Cardiac Arrest and the victim has no more than 10 minutes to be resuscitated, having just one AED at the exact opposite end of the school could be a terrible miscalculation. Finally, a bleeding control kit=; complete with tourniquets, gauze and compression bandages is a critical component in responding to traumatic bleeding situations.

The Know-How List

Training on CPR, First Aid and AED operation.

All teachers and school administrators should be trained on the latest methods for how to perform CPR and operate an AED as well as administer first aid. In a way, your people are their own mobile first aid stations everywhere they go throughout the school campus, which means it’s not enough to have a full array of safety-oriented products. Knowing when, where and how to use all of them is key. When combined with the knowledge of how to operate those products and perform key safety procedures, your staff can go a long way toward minimizing degrees of injury or even save a life.

How to Begin
With The SOS School Safety Sweep.

You’ve got plenty on your plate as it is. So how do you handle everything else that’s important for keeping your school running smoothly while bringing in the right supplies and tools for school safety? Don’t worry. SOS Emergency Response Technologies has thought of that with a program designed just for you.

The SOS School Safety Sweep is a thorough yet highly efficient evaluation by one of our safety consultants at your school facility. So you don’t have to struggle to think about where you’re going to place that first aid cabinet or how many AEDs you need or who is and isn’t trained in CPR. After our walk-through of your facility and school campus, we’ll take care of the recommendations for you. And when it comes to all the essential safety training, we can bring your staff up to speed with interactive sessions that they can easily fit into their schedule.

Make better school safety a top priority this year and schedule an SOS School Safety Sweep today. Call SOS at 604-277-5855

Get Good & Ready

SOS Emergency Response Technologies has joined the Partners in Preparedness campaign with PreparedBC. Our hope is to make it easier for you to get ready for an emergency by helping you understand what should be in an emergency kit and make it easy for you to have access to supplies. If there was a major emergency in BC would you know what to do? Would you be prepared? Experts recommend that all families have a minimum of 72 hours of supplies on hand and be able to manage without power or water for that period of time.

Some key items to have on hand: Emergency Food Rations, Emergency Water (minimum shelf life 5 years), communication devices (think hand-crank or solar), blankets for warmth, first aid supplies, sanitation supplies, cash, walking shoes, & duct tape.

School and PACs fundraising Tired of the same old fundraisers? PACS, Daycares, sports teams, dance schools and more have all had success with our Earthquake Kit fundraising program. Prepare your families & help your community be ready for ANY emergency and raise up to $19/kit bought for your PAC and/or club. Call 604.277.5855.

Workplace Purchase Programs Do you want to provide your staff with an opportunity to purchase Earthquake Kits for personal use at wholesale prices? Let your staff know you want to help them be prepared for ANY emergency when they are away from the office. SOS Emergency Response Technologies has a great purchase program that includes free delivery to the workplace. Call 604.277.5855.

Back to School – Emergency Preparedness

Back to School – Emergency Preparedness

Every year at this time of year we hear from schools, daycares and parents inquiring about what should be in a comfort kit. Ensuring your child has what they need in the event of an emergency does not need to be overwhelming, costly or time consuming. However, it is of the upmost importance that their comfort kit does not exist of granola bars and apple juice. After all, who wants to deal with a hyped up sugar kid in an emergency situation. Comfort kits can be used in any emergency situation. Power outage, evacuation, flood and even an earthquake. Currently, daycares and elementary schools request that parents provide kits but increasingly high school students should be prepared as well (my daughter high-school was on lock-down for 7 hours 2 years ago). High school students can leave their comfort kit in their locker or carry it in their backpack. Alternatively, PAC’s can encourage high-schools to store these kits in the homeroom classroom.

The SOS 72 hour Child Comfort Kit has everything your child needs in a Ziploc bag:

  • Emergency Food Rations
  • Emergency water packages
  • 12hr emergency light stick
  • Solar blanket
  • poncho

June is National Pet Preparedness Month

Pet Preparedness Month – Your Emergency Preparedness Goal this month can include:

•Include your pets in your emergency plans

•Build a separate emergency kit for your pets – this kit should include basics like pet food and extra water. Put a favorite toy, treats or bedding in the kit too.

•Make sure and keep digital records and/or pictures to identify your pet after a disaster in case you become separated

•Create a list of places that accept pets if an emergency happens

NAOSH Week May 6-12, 2018

NAOSH Week’s goal is to focus employers, employees, partners and the public on the importance of preventing injury and illness in the workplace, at home and in the community. The success of NAOSH Week is rooted in a community–based approach. Across the country, NAOSH Week events and activities are coordinated by local, provincial and/or regional committees, comprised primarily of volunteers, who share a focus and vision of safer workplaces and communities. Partnerships with government, business, suppliers, CSSE Chapters, community health organizations and other safety groups provide the support, resources and network necessary to manage the NAOSH Week plans.

*taken from http://www.naosh.org/*

Here at SOS Emergency Response Technologies we are dedicated to improving the health and safety of people in all areas of their life, including work. Visit our resource pages for more information on the training and products we provide to keep your workplace a safer place. Be sure to check out:

Emergency Oxygen in the Workplace:

AED’s :

Emergency Preparedness & First Aid Kits: