1-800-709-0906 or 604-277-5855 info@sostech.ca

7 days ago a 7.0 earthquake struck near Anchorage, Alaska and rattled residents. We’ve all seen the images and watched the videos. Roads were destroyed, vehicles were stranded and people scrambled for cover. There were scenes of chaos, images of terrified students taking cover in class and the sounds of sirens wailing. It amazed me how many people pulled out cell phones to record and did not DROP, COVER & HOLD. Despite all this there were no serious injuries and no deaths. People described the event as the most violent earthquake felt and thousands were without power for hours.

Here in BC, we live in an active earthquake zone yet I find most people I speak to are complacent about being prepared. Having an emergency plan, practicing that plan and investing in a 72hr emergency kit makes sense. Your emergency kit can be used for any event – earthquake, flood, fire or power outage. SOS can supply you with safety and survival kits for any of these emergencies. Our kits are available for 1 person, 4 person or a larger offices, school or business. We keep some of our kits small so they can be kept in your car and are easily mobile.