1-800-709-0906 or 604-277-5855 info@sostech.ca

Get Good & Ready

SOS Emergency Response Technologies has joined the Partners in Preparedness campaign with PreparedBC. Our hope is to make it easier for you to get ready for an emergency by helping you understand what should be in an emergency kit and make it easy for you to have...

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Back to School – Emergency Preparedness

Back to School – Emergency Preparedness

Every year at this time of year we hear from schools, daycares and parents inquiring about what should be in a comfort kit. Ensuring your child has what they need in the event of an emergency does not need to be overwhelming, costly or time consuming. However, it is...

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June is National Pet Preparedness Month

Pet Preparedness Month - Your Emergency Preparedness Goal this month can include: •Include your pets in your emergency plans •Build a separate emergency kit for your pets - this kit should include basics like pet food and extra water. Put a favorite toy, treats or...

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NAOSH Week May 6-12, 2018

NAOSH Week's goal is to focus employers, employees, partners and the public on the importance of preventing injury and illness in the workplace, at home and in the community. The success of NAOSH Week is rooted in a community–based approach. Across the country, NAOSH...

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February is Heart Month

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in North America. The good news? It is also one of the most preventable.  Making heart-healthy choices, knowing your family health history and the risk factors for heart disease, having regular...

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Tsunami Preparedness Week – April 13–19, 2025 | Save the Date

Save the Date: Tsunami Preparedness Week – April 13–19, 2025 Tsunamis are powerful natural events that can cause significant devastation along coastal areas. For those of us living in British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest, understanding the risks and preparing...

Road Safety Week: 3 Important Kits for Preparedness

Road Safety Week: 3 Important Kits for Preparedness Every year, Road Safety Week serves as a crucial reminder about the importance of safety on our roads. Held annually during the third week of November, this year’s observance falls from November 19th to November...

2024 Great British Columbia ShakeOut

2024 Great British Columbia ShakeOut Get Ready, Stay Safe, and Have Fun! ShakeOut Week in BC has been officially proclaimed October 11-18th, 2024!! The Great British Columbia ShakeOut is an annual earthquake preparedness drill that allows people across the province to...