Local Richmond papers are urging residents to prepare for natural disasters. There is no need to live in fear but we do need to be prepared.
VANCOUVER/CKNW(AM980) : The head of the City of Vancouver’s Emergency Management says residents need to take it upon themselves to be ready if a major quake hits the region.
Kevin Wallinger says responding to a quake is a shared responsibility and everyone needs to prepare, “What is the current state of public preparedness? How ready is the public? My sense is some may not be as ready as they should be and that’s an area I think we need to focus on.”
Council has also heard while seismic upgrades have been done on the city’s bridges, they’re not up to current standards.
There’s better news when it comes to the viaducts which are described as “robust.”
9.0 earthquake hit the coast of Japan a few days ago, 2 days after a 7.0 earthquake, and created a 10 metre tsunami that pounded Japan and was felt as far as the coast of Tofino, BC and Steveston BC.
Over 88,000 people are missing and over 50 after shocks , some of them registering 7.2 are still being felt.
This earthquake has sparked fires, and people are being urged to move to higher ground.
Our thoughts and prayers are with those in Japan.
Tuesday’s deadly earthquake in New Zealand should remind Canadians to be prepared. Although we have national building code standards and our buildings should fare better, Canadians should expect to be independent for at least 72 hours.
Last month, thousands of people across British Columbia particpated in the Great British Columbia Shakeout – this province wide drill was intended to encourage people to practice what to do in the event of an earthquake.
Ensure that you have an out of town contact and that you keep cash on hand. Remember, communication systems will be interuppted and credit cards and debit cards could be rendered useless.
Homeowners should prepare to be without assistance for at least 72 hours and assemble supplies such as emergency food, water and shelter.
According to serious injuries happen yearly to some 27,000 British Columbians. These people are hospitalized and around 1,200 of us die from injuries that could have been prevented. These injuries devastate lives and, at over $4 billion a year, they place one of the largest burdens on our health care system and provincial economy.
In scouring their website I learned that “…preventable injuries don’t *just* happen to us. They’re inadvertently caused by us. Often, because we did something without thinking. ”
By changing our thinking and educating your staff you can take the first step. By exploring you can discover ways to adjust your mindset so that you can enjoy a world of activities free from serious injury.
Are you up to the challenge?
A businesses human resources department can do a lot to reduce workplace accidents simply by educating employees. Making sure your employees are “current on what the local and seasonal threats are and passing out information doesn’t cost a lot, it could be as simple as a monthly e-mail.
But you need to go beyond informing employees. A lot of the standards that are in place do require training of one sort or another or some sort of documentation that the person was trained. Following up with employees to make sure the training sank in and is being incorporated into their daily responsibilities is also crucial.
An emergency oxygen device has a fixed flow regulator which delivers 6 litres per minute (LPM) or more. This category of device is available as an over-the-counter (OTC) device which means it is exempt from prescription requirements. Emergency oxygen devices are designated as an inhalator when used to support the breathing victm and/or as a resuscitator to support a non breathing emergency victim.
The Emergency Response Training (ERT) program from SOS Emergency Response Technologies can educate your staff on understanding safe handling and maintenance of oxygen as well as, to understand how to use the emergency oxygen equipment during life-support efforts as part of first aid.
The SOS ERT program will not only properly train you, but will increase the probability that the trained person will perform properly.
This program is offered to SOS clients at no charge as part of your Medical Management Program.