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Emergency Oxygen for Winter: Mental Health & Emergency Benefits

Emergency Oxygen for Winter: Mental Health & Emergency Benefits

Emergency Oxygen for Winter: Mental Health and Emergency Benefits

As the winter season approaches, the significance of emergency preparedness becomes increasingly paramount, particularly concerning health and safety. Among the various emergency tools and aids, one vital element often overlooked is emergency oxygen. The crucial role of emergency oxygen in winter and its benefits for both mental health and emergency scenarios.

Understanding Emergency Oxygen

What is Emergency Oxygen?

Emergency oxygen refers to the medical-grade oxygen used in critical situations to support or improve breathing. It comes in various forms, such as portable oxygen tanks, oxygen concentrators, and in some cases, hyperbaric oxygen therapy setups. Its primary function is to provide immediate respiratory support where normal air is insufficient or contaminated.

How Does Emergency Oxygen Work?

The principle behind emergency oxygen is straightforward yet vital. By delivering a higher oxygen concentration than found in the ambient air, it helps maintain adequate oxygen levels in the blood, ensuring vital organs function properly. This is especially crucial in emergency situations where respiratory issues may arise.

The Need for Emergency Oxygen in Winter

Winter Challenges

Winter brings unique health challenges, including increased respiratory problems due to cold air, higher incidence of illnesses like the flu, and potential exposure to harmful conditions like hypothermia. These factors elevate the importance of having emergency oxygen readily available.

Risks and Scenarios

In winter, common scenarios where emergency oxygen becomes essential include respiratory distress caused by cold-induced asthma, complications from seasonal flu, and life-threatening situations like carbon monoxide poisoning due to faulty heating systems.

User Instructions and Safety

How to Use Safely

Proper usage of emergency oxygen is critical. Users should be trained on how to administer oxygen, including setting the correct flow rate and ensuring the mask or nasal cannula is fitted correctly. It’s also important to monitor the patient’s response to oxygen therapy.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Common mistakes include using oxygen near open flames, as it is highly flammable, and adjusting the oxygen flow rate without medical guidance. Understanding these risks is essential for safe and effective use.

Advantages Over Other Emergency Solutions

Comparison with Other Emergency Aids

While there are various emergency solutions like first aid kits and automated external defibrillators (AEDs), emergency oxygen is unique in its ability to address a wide range of issues, from respiratory distress to aiding in mental health crises.

Why Choose Emergency Oxygen

The versatility and immediate impact of emergency oxygen make it a vital component of any emergency response plan, especially in winter when respiratory and mental health issues can be exacerbated.

Mental Health Benefits

Impact on Mental Health in Winter

Winter can be a challenging time for mental health. The shorter days and longer nights can lead to conditions like Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), exacerbating feelings of depression and anxiety. Emergency oxygen can play a pivotal role in mitigating these effects. By improving oxygenation, it helps in alleviating symptoms associated with poor mental health.

Case Studies and Examples

Various studies have shown the positive impact of increased oxygen levels on mental health. For instance, oxygen therapy has been used to treat conditions like depression and anxiety, offering a non-pharmacological approach to mental wellness.

Physical Health Benefits

General Health Benefits

Beyond mental health, emergency oxygen has numerous physical benefits. It aids in faster recovery from physical exertion, improves stamina, and can be crucial in treating respiratory distress, a common issue in cold weather.

Specific Winter-Related Benefits

In winter, respiratory issues can worsen due to the cold, dry air. Emergency oxygen can provide relief for those suffering from conditions like bronchitis or asthma, which often flare up during this season.

For more information from gov.bc.ca onWinter Preparedness click HERE

Emergency Situations and Oxygen Use

Types of Emergencies in Winter

The harsh winter environment can lead to various emergencies, such as hypothermia, frostbite, or respiratory challenges due to the cold. In such situations, the immediate availability of emergency oxygen can be lifesaving.

Role of Oxygen in These Scenarios

In cases of severe hypothermia or respiratory distress, emergency oxygen can be the difference between life and death. It ensures the body maintains a sufficient oxygen supply, crucial for the survival and functioning of essential organs.

Accessibility and Availability

How to Access Emergency Oxygen

Emergency oxygen can typically be obtained through medical supply companies, hospitals, or as part of emergency response kits. It’s crucial to be aware of the sources in your locality and the procedures for obtaining them.

Legal and Safety Considerations

While acquiring and using emergency oxygen, it’s important to be aware of the legal aspects and safety guidelines. This includes understanding proper storage, handling, and usage to avoid potential hazards.

User Instructions and Safety

How to Use Safely

Proper usage of emergency oxygen is critical. Users should be trained on how to administer oxygen, including setting the correct flow rate and ensuring the mask or nasal cannula is fitted correctly. It’s also important to monitor the patient’s response to oxygen therapy.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Common mistakes include using oxygen near open flames, as it is highly flammable, and adjusting the oxygen flow rate without medical guidance. Understanding these risks is essential for safe and effective use.

Advantages Over Other Emergency Solutions

Comparison with Other Emergency Aids

Proper usage of emergency oxygen is critical. Users should be trained on how to administer oxygen, including setting the correct flow rate and ensuring the mask or nasal cannula is fitted correctly. It’s also important to monitor the patient’s response to oxygen therapy.

Why Choose the SOS Emergency Oxygen Unit

SOS Emergency Oxygen TankThe SOS Emergency Response Oxygen Unit is the most reliable, simple and advanced emergency oxygen unit available on the market. The facts about medical emergencies:
  • Half of all heart attack deaths occur before the victim gets to the hospital.
  • Average arrival time of professional help is 8 – 12 minutes.
  • Disability or brain death can occur within the first four (4) minutes.
  • 38% of deaths are caused by heart disease and stroke.
  • Over 3,000,000 Canadians suffer from heart or blood vessel disease.
We know each workplace has its own set of health and safety challenges so SOS custom tailors each Health & Safety Program to meet those specific needs. The SOS oxygen unit and health & safety program is a company benefit that can reduce recovery time, save costs of replacement personnel and employees retraining, maintain productivity, and may save a life.

Why Our Oxygen Unit?

  • Most advanced portable oxygen unit on the market.
  • Safe and simple to use
  • Easy ‘On – Off’ operation.
  • No gauges to adjust.
  • Self-regulated to avoid diaphragm damage.
  • Provides over 60 minutes of USP oxygen.
  • Adjustable flow unit available.
  • ‘Two-stage’ regulator for ultimate reliability.
  • Portable impact resistant case (also available in softpak).

The Benefits

  • Easy to operate, single on-off lever reduces responder anxiety.
  • Easy to carry.
  • Pre-set oxygen flow allows for safe operation by any non-medical responder.
  • Two stage regulator delivers oxygen for 60 – 88 minutes.
  • Dual purpose face mask provides for both inhalation and resuscitation.
  • All of our customers receive a unique complete service and maintenance program and are NEVER without an oxygen unit

Maintenance Program

  • 24-hour response time on Oxygen Refills.
  • Automatic yearly inspections.
  • Maintenance performed by qualified SOS Technicians.
  • Parts replaced or repaired at no extra cost.
  • Servicing is done on your premises – you are never without equipment.
  • Hydrostatic testing at no extra cost.

Summer Safety 72 Hour Emergency Kit

Summer Safety First Aid Kit

Summer Safety Car Emergency Kit

Workplace Safety & Compliance: Adapting to Bill 41’s Amendments

Workplace Safety & Compliance: Adapting to Bill 41’s Amendments

Workplace Safety & Compliance: Adapting to Bill 41’s Amendments

Understanding Bill 41’s Impact on Workplace Safety

Bill 41 Amendment, a critical amendment to the Workers Compensation Act in British Columbia, is set to revolutionize workplace safety and compliance. Effective from January 1, 2024, this legislation imposes a dual duty on employers and workers: the duty to cooperate for a timely and safe return to work, and for certain employers, a duty to maintain employment for injured workers.

The Dual Duties Defined

Duty to Cooperate: This duty necessitates a concerted effort from both workers and employers, alongside WorkSafeBC, to facilitate a safe and prompt return to work post-injury. It involves identifying suitable tasks for the injured worker and ensuring ongoing communication.

Duty to Maintain Employment: Applicable to employers with a workforce of 20 or more, this duty requires maintaining an injured worker’s employment, given they have been employed for at least a year prior to the injury.

Timeline and Retroactivity of the Bill 41 Amendments

Effective Date: The duties come into force on January 1, 2024.
Retroactive Application: The duty to cooperate applies to injury claims dating up to two years before the effective date, while the duty to maintain employment concerns claims up to six months prior.

Employer Obligations and Compliance

  • Offer pre-injury or comparable work to fit workers.
  • Provide the first suitable alternative if the pre-injury job is unfeasible.
  • Make necessary workplace adjustments, barring undue hardship.

Non-Compliance Consequences: Penalties and administrative actions await non-compliant employers, emphasizing the importance of adhering to the new regulations.

Benefits of Adherence to Bill 41 Amendments

  • For Workers: Safeguards income, job security, and health.
  • For Employers: Promotes a stable, efficient, and safe workplace environment.
  • For the Economy: Enhances overall workforce productivity and reduces the financial strain on the healthcare system.

Consultation and Feedback Mechanisms

Extensive consultations with stakeholders have shaped these policies. Employers can participate in information sessions and submit inquiries to understand their new obligations fully.

Implementation Strategies for Employers

  1. Policy Review and Update: Employers should revise their workplace policies to align with Bill 41.
  2. Training Programs: Implement training for staff and management on the new duties.
  3. Communication Channels: Establish clear communication lines for injury reporting and return-to-work coordination.

Embracing the changes brought by the Bill 41 Amendments is not just a legal requirement but a strategic move towards fostering a safer, more resilient, and inclusive workplace. By complying with these duties, employers not only adhere to the law but also contribute to a healthier, more productive workforce, ultimately benefiting their business and the broader economy.

For more information go to: WorkSafeBC.com


Summer Safety 72 Hour Emergency Kit

Summer Safety First Aid Kit

Summer Safety Car Emergency Kit

Halloween Safety: 7 Helpful Tips and Tricks

Halloween Safety: 7 Helpful Tips and Tricks

Halloween Safety: 7 Helpful Tips and Tricks

Halloween is just around the corner, and the excitement is building as we prepare for costumes, candy, and spooky decorations. While this holiday is all about fun and thrills, it’s essential to keep safety in mind to ensure a healthy and happy Halloween for everyone. In this blog, we’ll share some valuable Halloween safety tips and tricks to help you and your loved ones stay safe during this festive season.

Tip #1: Costume Safety

Choosing the perfect costume is one of the highlights of Halloween. Halloween Safety starts here.  
  • Opt for costumes with bright colors or add reflective tape to increase visibility in the dark.
  • Make sure costumes fit well to prevent tripping hazards.
  • Avoid masks that obstruct vision; opt for face paint or makeup instead.
  • Use flame-resistant materials to reduce the risk of costume-related accidents.

Tip #2: Trick-or-Treating Safety

Trick-or-treating is a beloved tradition, but it comes with its own set of safety concerns. Traditionally Halloween outings are at night and that in itself brings Halloween safety as a priority.

  • Always accompany young children and plan a route in advance.
  • Stick to well-lit areas and use flashlights or glow sticks to increase visibility.
  • Teach kids to look both ways before crossing streets and use crosswalks.
  • Check all candy for tampering before indulging.

Tip #3: Home Safety

If you’re hosting a Halloween party or welcoming trick-or-treaters to your home create a safe experience.

  • Keep walkways and pathways well-lit and free of obstacles.
  • Use flameless candles or glow-in-the-dark decorations to prevent fire hazards.
  • Keep pets secure to prevent them from becoming stressed or escaping during festivities.

Halloween Safety 7 Helpful Tips and TricksTip #4: Pumpkin Carving Safety

Carving pumpkins is a time-honored tradition and accidents can happen. Do you have a First Aid Kit on hand?  
  • Supervise children when carving, or opt for safer alternatives like stickers or paint.
  • Use proper carving tools, not sharp kitchen knives.
  • Keep your hands and work area dry to avoid slips and cuts.

Tip #5: Allergy Awareness

With many treats being exchanged, it’s essential to be mindful of food allergies. Do you have basic first aid training in the event of an emergency? How about first aid allergy treatments?  
  • Clearly label any allergen-containing treats if you’re giving them out.
  • If your child has allergies, consider participating in a “Teal Pumpkin Project” by offering non-food treats.
  • Discuss allergies with your children and teach them not to accept homemade treats without checking with you first.

Tip #6: Stay Hydrated

Halloween festivities can be physically demanding, so ensure that everyone stays well-hydrated, especially if you’ll be walking a lot. 

  • Hydrate before you hit the neighborhoods
  • Stop for breaks and rest
  • Bring a drink with you or parents, bring water bottles for your kids.

Tip #7: Planning Halloween Safety Ahead

Planning your Halloween safety in advance will ensure you and your family a safe and prepared celebration.

  • Securing loose decorations, fixing tripping hazards, or ensuring proper lighting for walkways.
  • Ensure that costumes fit properly, reducing the risk of tripping or stumbling.
  • Create a safety kit that includes essentials like a flashlight, first-aid supplies, and contact information for emergency services.
  • Reinforce the concept of stranger danger and establish a meeting point in case anyone gets separated.
  • Teach children about safety rules, such as looking both ways before crossing streets, using crosswalks, or navigating crowded area.

Planning your Halloween safety in advance is akin to building a protective shield around your festivities. It empowers you to enjoy the holiday to the fullest, knowing that you’ve taken the necessary steps to ensure the well-being of yourself, your loved ones, and all who partake in the Halloween merriment.

For more info on Halloween Safety, check out the Canadian Red Cross

Summer Safety 72 Hour Emergency Kit

Summer Safety First Aid Kit

Summer Safety Car Emergency Kit

What is ShakeOutBC and 4 Helpful Reasons to Participate

What is ShakeOutBC and 4 Helpful Reasons to Participate

What is ShakeOutBC and 4 Reasons to Participate

Earthquakes are a reality that many of us live with, especially for those residing in the Pacific Northwest. British Columbia, known for its scenic beauty and vibrant cities, is also a part of the Pacific Ring of Fire—a hotspot for seismic activity. Being prepared for emergencies is a basic responsibility that should not be taken lightly. Setting up the right infrastructure and making sure communities are in the know and prepared is key. That’s where ShakeOutBC comes in. They’re an organization that focuses on tackling these important aspects of being prepared.

What is ShakeOutBC?

ShakeOutBC is an annual event aimed at educating the public about earthquake preparedness. Every October, individuals, communities, schools, businesses, and organizations across British Columbia participate in this event by practicing “Drop, Cover, and Hold On”, which is considered the best protective action to take during an earthquake. It’s a coordinated drill designed to simulate the actions one should take when an earthquake strikes.

This year’s ShakeOutBC is October 19th, 10:19 am, Register Now Here.

Why You Should Participate:

Knowledge is Power: The mere act of participating in a drill like ShakeOutBC can elevate your understanding of what to do during an earthquake. This knowledge can potentially save lives, reduce injuries, and limit property damage.

Creates a Preparedness Culture: When communities come together for events like ShakeOutBC, they foster a culture of preparedness. This shared concern and mutual aid spirit can be beneficial during actual emergencies.

Routine Reinforces Reaction: Regular participation in earthquake drills ensures that when an actual quake occurs, the trained reactions become almost instinctual, reducing panic and chaos.

Community Bonding: Events like these often serve as a platform for communities to come together, discuss, and create emergency plans. Neighbors can identify resources, vulnerable individuals, and share best practices with each other.

Benefits of the Event:

Increased Awareness: The Pacific Northwest is a region of breathtaking beauty, but it’s also an area rife with geological activity. Earthquakes, both minor and potentially devastating, are a part of life here. Understanding the very real risks associated with this seismic activity is crucial for residents. ShakeOutBC plays an instrumental role in not just emphasizing the significance of this threat but also in educating the community on how to respond and prepare.

Safety Skill Development: When an earthquake strikes, every second counts. The suddenness and violence of the shaking can disorient even the most seasoned residents, leading to panic and, consequently, to poor decision-making. Amidst the chaos, the need for instinctive, effective reactions becomes paramount. It is precisely this skillset that ShakeOutBC aims to inculcate through its emphasis on the drill, particularly on the “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” protocol.

Community Resilience: At the heart of any community is the intricate interplay between individuals, institutions, and shared resources. Disasters, particularly those of the magnitude of an earthquake, can strain these connections to breaking point. However, with collective preparedness and participation, such as that encouraged by ShakeOutBC, communities can not only withstand these challenges but bounce back even stronger. The concept of community resilience, while multifaceted, underscores the importance of communal effort in disaster preparedness and recovery.

Promotion of Preparedness Initiatives: While the focal point of ShakeOutBC is undoubtedly its annual earthquake preparedness drill, its reach and influence extend far beyond this singular event. The gathering momentum and visibility of ShakeOutBC have transformed it into a catalyst, creating openings for a variety of stakeholders to emphasize a holistic approach to disaster preparedness.

Saves Lives: In the realm of disaster preparedness, there’s no metric more significant than the preservation of life. Events like ShakeOutBC, at their core, strive towards this singular goal. While the event encompasses various facets, from drills to discussions, its most tangible and valuable outcome is its potential to save lives.

ShakeOutBC involves drills, discussions, and demonstrations, its ultimate value lies in its potential to save lives. Everyone who takes part is equipped with knowledge and training, becoming both protectors and protected. This demonstrates that when people come together and stay informed, it can truly be a matter of life or death.


SOS Emergency Response Technologies is the preferred vendor for ShakOutBC.

Summer Safety 72 Hour Emergency Kit

Summer Safety First Aid Kit

Summer Safety Car Emergency Kit

Cold & Flu Season: 10 Healthy Back to School Tips

Cold & Flu Season: 10 Healthy Back to School Tips

Cold and Flu Season: Back to School Tips

The smell of freshly sharpened pencils and the sight of leaves turning to gold herald not only the return to school, but also the approach of cold and flu season. As children head back to the classrooms, they are exposed to a myriad of germs that can lead to the sniffles, sneezes, and sore throats.

Here’s a friendly Back to School Tips guide packed with tips to ensure our little scholars stay in tiptop shape, especially in the cold and flu season.

1. Hand Hygiene Is Paramount

In the battleground against cold and flu, our hands are the frontline soldiers. As children touch surfaces, share materials, and interact with their peers, they come into contact with countless germs. This makes hand hygiene a back to school tips top priority.

Here’s how to ensure it’s done right:

  • Washing Technique Matters: It’s not just about rinsing hands under water. Kids should be scrubbing their hands with soap for at least 20 seconds.
  • A fun tip: Encourage them to sing the ‘Happy Birthday’ song twice while washing – it’s approximately the right duration!
  • Focus on Key Areas: Ensure that they pay special attention to the backs of their hands, between the fingers, and under the nails, where germs often hide out.
  • Dry Hands Properly: Wet hands can attract and spread germs more than dry hands. Always ensure that they dry their hands using a clean towel or air dryer.
  • Regularly Remind Them: Children might forget, especially when they’re engrossed in play or busy with school activities. Gentle reminders, either verbally or through fun stickers and notes, can go a long way.
  • Lead by Example: Children often mimic adults. Ensure that you’re also following proper hand hygiene to set a positive example.

FH6001 Hand Sanitizer2. Arm Them with Sanitizers

Let’s be real. Sometimes, rushing between classes or during field trips, kids might not get the chance to wash their hands. A small bottle of hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol) can be a handy backup. Just remind them it’s not a complete substitute for good old-fashioned handwashing!

3. Teach Sneezing and Coughing Etiquette

We’ve all seen that child who sneezes into the open air or directly onto their desk. One of our favourite back to school tips is to teach your children to sneeze or cough into their elbow or a tissue. It’s a small step that can drastically reduce the spread of germs.



4. Boost Their Immunity

A balanced diet filled with fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins can do wonders. Also, Richmond’s often chilly and rainy weather is a good reason to ensure your kids get their daily dose of vitamin D.

5. Stay Active

While the temptation might be to stay indoors, physical activity is essential. Whether it’s participating in school sports, taking a walk along the Fraser River, or cycling in parks, ensure your child gets their daily dose of exercise.

6. Stay Hydrated

The benefits of drinking water are countless. From flushing out toxins to aiding digestion, water is the unsung hero. Equip your child with a reusable water bottle to encourage sipping throughout the day.

7. Adequate Sleep is Non-negotiable

School-age children should aim for 9-11 hours of sleep. Establish a regular bedtime routine and keep electronic devices out of the bedroom. A well-rested child is more resistant to colds and flu.

8. Keep Sick Kids at Home

We understand the pressure of balancing work and school. But if your child shows symptoms of the flu, it’s best to let them rest at home. This not only aids their recovery but also prevents the spread of illness in classrooms.

9. Stay Updated on Vaccinations

Health units often offer flu vaccines before the flu season peaks. Staying updated can drastically reduce the chances of severe illness.

Back to school tips for cold & flu N95 Mask10. Create a Sick-Day Kit

Prepare for those unpredictable sick days. Stock up on tissues, fever reducers, throat lozenges, herbal teas, and perhaps a comforting book or two. When illness strikes, it’s easier to have everything at hand.

Returning to school is an exciting time for children – full of learning, growth, and fun experiences. By taking a few back to school tips these proactive steps, we can ensure that the cold and flu season doesn’t put a damper on their academic year.

To all our parents and guardians, here’s to a healthy, happy, and productive school year ahead! Remember these back to school tips and a bit of prevention goes a long way. Stay safe and keep those germs at bay!


11. Back to School Tips Bonus

Mental Health is an important part of staying healthy. Let’s spread awareness and take care of one another. Seek help that you need or learn to identify and help those who are in crisis. More Back to school tips and health information at: HealthLinkBC  
Wildfire Evacuation for Families in BC: 10 Helpful Tips

Wildfire Evacuation for Families in BC: 10 Helpful Tips

Wildfire Evacuation for Families in BC: 10 Helpful Tips

1. Know the Risk

It’s crucial for us to stay alert and informed. Just like checking the weather before a day out, make it a routine to keep an eye on local news broadcasts, radio stations, and trusted online platforms. The BC Wildfire Service is an excellent resource, providing real-time updates and safety guidelines tailored for our community. By staying informed, we can better prepare, protect our homes, and ensure the safety of our families. Monitor local news and official sources like BC Wildfire Service for updates on wildfire evacuation.

2. Prepare a Wildfire Evacuation Plan

Every family should have a well-rehearsed evacuation plan. Here’s how you can start:

  • Identify two escape routes from your home and neighbourhood.
  • Choose a safe meeting place outside your community where family members can regroup.
  • Consider the needs of elderly family members, children, and pets.
  • Keep a list of emergency contacts and essential services.

72Hr Emergency Kit Wildfire evacuation3. Create an Emergency Kit

Here’s how you can start:

Having a kit ready can make all the difference. Your kit should include:

  • Three days’ worth of water and non-perishable food items.
  • Medications, prescriptions, and essential toiletries.
  • Copies of vital documents in a waterproof bag (ID, insurance, bank details).
  • A battery-powered radio, flashlight, and extra batteries.
  • First aid supplies.
  • Clothing suitable for the weather and sturdy shoes.
  • Cash in small denominations.



4. First Aid Training Tips

Wildfire evacuation situations can lead to injuries. Here’s a quick primer on first aid essentials:

  • Cuts and Scratches: Clean the wound with clean water and apply an antiseptic ointment. Use a sterile bandage to cover it.
  • Burns: Hold the burned area under cool running water for at least 10 minutes. Don’t use ice. Cover loosely with a sterile bandage.
  • Smoke Inhalation: Move the person to fresh air. Encourage them to take slow, deep breaths. Seek medical attention if they have difficulty breathing or show signs of confusion.
  • Always: Keep a first aid manual in your kit and consider attending a first aid training course. Knowledge is power!

5. Car Safety and Preparedness

During a wildfire evacuation. if you’re evacuating by car, ensure:

  • Your gas tank is at least half full at all times during fire season.
  • You have maps (digital and physical) to navigate around potential road closures.
  • The car contains emergency supplies, like blankets, water, non-perishable snacks, and a first aid kit.

6. Pets and Livestock during a Wildfire Evacuation

Our furry family members need care too!

  • Have a plan for where you’ll take your pets if you need to evacuate.
  • Ensure all pets have ID tags.
  • Keep a pet emergency kit, including food, water, leashes, carriers, and any medications.

7. Wildfire Evacuation: Stay Informed

During wildfire season:

  • Regularly check updates from official sources.
  • Sign up for community alerts.
  • Check the BC Wildfire Map: HERE
  • Stay connected with neighbours and community members. There’s strength in unity!

8. When to Evacuate

If a wildfire evacuation order is issued, leave immediately.

But even before an official order:

  • If you feel your route may become compromised soon, it’s better to leave early.
  • If you have respiratory issues or if there are vulnerable members in your household, consider evacuating sooner.

In British Columbia, it is imperative for residents to be aware that wildfire evacuation emergency alerts are disseminated through TV, radio, and cell phones. These broadcasts are designed to convey critical public safety information during events that pose imminent threats to life.
More info on BC Emergency Alerts

9. After Evacuation

Once evacuated:

  • Register with local emergency services, even if you’re not seeking shelter. This helps in accounting for everyone.
  • After a wildfire evacuation, stay away until an official “all clear” is given. The danger may not be visible, but it’s there.

10. Continue the Preparedness Journey

Emergency preparedness isn’t a one-time task. It’s a continuous process.

  • Review and practice your plans regularly.
  • Refresh your emergency kit every six months.
  • Stay updated with the latest recommendations.
While the beauty of British Columbia is unmatched, it’s our collective responsibility to be ready for wildfires. Preparation and knowledge are key. Attend local workshops, engage with community emergency programs, and most importantly, look out for one another. Here’s to a safe and informed community!