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Boost Workplace Safety…12 Steps Step 10

Who can do the most to promote safety in the workplace? YOU! You’re the one employees look to for leadership and guidance. You’re the one management relies on to provide safety training, enforce safety rules, and monitor employee performance. Each week for the next 12 weeks we will post a new step.
Step # 10 Reward Safe Behaviour

Most employees want approval and recognition. When they follow safe work practices or make safety suggestions, let them know you’re pleased and grateful. When you’re busy and under a lot of pressure, it’s easy to focus only on the negative things employees do. Make sure they get credit for the good stuff, too.



Boost Workplace Safety…12 Steps Step #9

Who can do the most to promote safety in the workplace? YOU! You’re the one employees look to for leadership and guidance. You’re the one management relies on to provide safety training, enforce safety rules, and monitor employee performance. Each week for the next 12 weeks we will post a new step.
Step # 9 Be Consistent
Enforce safety standards uniformly and consistently. Don’t allow some employees to bend the rules and expect to enforce them with the rest of your staff. Don’t come down on somebody one day for not following a rule and then ignore the same behavior the next day. And don’t just tell workers that they did something wrong. Explain why it’s wrong and how to do it right .

Boost Workplace Safety…12 Steps Step #8

Who can do the most to promote safety in the workplace? YOU! You’re the one employees look to for leadership and guidance. You’re the one management relies on to provide safety training, enforce safety rules, and monitor employee performance. Each week for the next 12 weeks we will post a new step.
Step # 8 Know the Shape Employees are in

Be aware of their physical condition. For example, a worker who is out of shape is more susceptible to back injuries. A worker returning to work after recovering from a job injury might not be physically up to performing his or her regular job for a while. Or an employee with a physical disability might need accommodation to safely perform a job.

Also, be on the  ookout for problems like fatigue or illness. Either one can affect performance and place the employee or someone else at risk. Overtired workers or people nursing a cold or the flu aren’t going to be at their best, and that could be dangerous, especially if they’re performing a hazardous job.

Change an employee’s job duties temporarily-or even permanently, when necessary-if he or she is incapable of performing a job safely.

Boost Workplace Safety…12 Steps Step #7

Who can do the most to promote safety in the workplace? YOU! You’re the one employees look to for leadership and guidance. You’re the one management relies on to provide safety training, enforce safety rules, and monitor employee performance. Each week for the next 12 weeks we will post a new step.
Step # 7 Keep an Eye on Changing Attitudes

If you notice employees getting sloppy, careless, or taking risks, put a stop to it right away. Talk one-on-one with the individuals involved. Hold a safety meeting to review policies and procedures with all employees. Use the situation as a training opportunity to provide additional information or improve skills. Do whatever it takes to change unsafe attitudes and behavior into positive safety performance.

Boost Workplace Safety…12 Steps Step #6

Who can do the most to promote safety in the workplace? YOU! You’re the one employees look to for leadership and guidance. You’re the one management relies on to provide safety training, enforce safety rules, and monitor employee performance. Each week for the next 12 weeks we will post a new step.
Step # 6 Get into a Team to Solve Problems 

Set up employee teams to solve safety problems. Let team members gather information, analyze possible causes of safety problems, develop and test solutions, and implement and monitor results. Being part of a safety team makes members feel that they share responsibility for workplace safety. And when other employees see their co-workers getting involved and making the job safer for everyone, they’ll want to get in on the action, too.

Boost Workplace Safety…12 Steps Step #5

Who can do the most to promote safety in the workplace? YOU! You’re the one employees look to for leadership and guidance. You’re the one management relies on to provide safety training, enforce safety rules, and monitor employee performance. Each week for the next 12 weeks we will post a new step.
Step # 5 Be Specific
Try not to make general statements about working safely. They don’t tell too much and are not that helpful.
Be specific about what employees have to do and how to do it to protect themselves.
If you are concerned that they will not remember all the details, provide them with handouts and job aids like checklists, procedure guidelines and operating manuals.