Will you think clearly and logically in a crisis? Not many of us can. So, do your clear and logical thinking now BEFORE a disaster strikes.
KNOW Find out what natural disasters could happen in your community. Know what to expect during each emergency.
LOOK Anticipate what could go wrong in your home or office and take corrective action. If you live in British Columbia, an earthquake zone, move or secure items that could fall and injure you (books, shelves, mirrors, paintings) . Secure items that could tip and start a fire (water heater, gas appliances).
PREPARE Your best protection in any emergency is knowing what to do. Read a brochure, take an emergency preparedness seminar, and act on the suggestions. Get an emergency kit ready that will keep you and your family or employees self sufficient for at least 72 hours. Make sure everything is an easy to carry container (our kits come in backpacks) in case you have to evacuate. Keep a smaller survival kit in the car (our SQ6005 is perfect).