RIGHT after an emergency, you may be confused or disoriented. Stay CALM.
HELP THE INJURED Help anyone who is injured. Get your emergency survival kit and your first aid kit.
LISTEN TO THE RADIO Listen to your local radio station for instructions. If you don’t already have a wind-up radio get one now. SOS has a great 4 in 1 wind-up radio and flashlight
DO NOT USE THE TELEPHONE Don’t use the telephone. Emergency crews will need all available lines.
CHECK YOUR HOME Check for damage to your home. Use a flashlight – do not use matches or turn on electrical switches if you suspect damage or smell gas. Check for fires, fire hazards or other household hazards. Sniff for gas leaks, starting at the water heater. If you smell gas, turn off the main valve, open windows and get everyone outside quickly. Shut off any other damaged utilities. Clean up spilled medicines and bleaches. Confine or secure your pets. Check on your neighbours, especially the elderly or people with disabilities.