In Canada 35,000 to 45,000 people die of sudden cardiac arrest each year. For every one minute delay in providing oxygen, the survival rate of a cardiac arrest victim decreases by 7 to 10%. Oxygen is essential life, and supplemental oxygen is the most frequently used option to treat acutely ill and injured people. Emergency oxygen is used when a person experiences sudden injury or illness, whether it be cardiopulmary emergencies (heart attack or stroke), respiratory illness or traumatic injury. The conservative and risk-preventive approach is to follow standard of care – give oxygen. In an emergency situation, oxygen is given to patients immeadiately, even if there is no formal perscription or drug order. However, be sure to make written record of who received the oxygen, at what litre flow per minute and for how long. At SOS Emergency Response Technologies one of our goals is to increase awareness on the importance of using emergency oxygen in a an emergency situation.