Help your staff learn about shock treatment using the exercise below:
Shock Scenarios:
A child has been helping to prepare dinner: The knife slips and makes a long slice across her hand, which is now bleeding profusely. Only the mother and child are at home. Who can go into shock?
A party is going full tilt when there is a scream from the kitchen. A guest has spilled a cup of hot coffee on her arm. Who can go into shock?
A pan of oil spills on the stove, causing a burst of flames that burns the face of a man. His wife and three children are at home. Who can go into shock?
A single automobile is in the ditch. There were three persons in the car. Two out of the car, mumbling, walking around dazed, and inspecting scratches and bruises on themselves. The third is in the auto, hugging her chest and gasping for air. Who can go into shock?