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Interruptions in utility services are inevitable and natural disasters will occur when you least expect them. No one has control over Mother Nature so the best thing you can do for yourself and your family is to prepare before an incident occurs. This past year alone we have seen Mother Nature unleash earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan and the East Coast is still reeling from Hurricane Irene.

Basics for the pantry Stock up emergency food  when something happens unexpected.
  • cocoa powder
  • chocolate chips
  • sugar
  • potatoes
  • onions
  • garlic
  • cornstarch
  • cornmeal
  • crackers
  • pasta
  • rice
  • legumes
  • spices
  • herbs
  • soup
  • tea
  • baking powder
  • baking soda
  • nuts
  • bread crumbs
  • cereal
  • broth
  • canned food
  • peanut butter
  • flour
  • dried fruits
  • extracts such as vanilla or almond
  • gelatin
  • powdered and/or condensed milk
Be sure to consider foods that have the best nutritional value.

Water Tablets: Unless you have a huge supply of emergency water, if the disruption in electric service continues, you will eventually run out. It may well be that there are water sources near you, such as a stream or river, or a lake. Even if these look clean, they can actually contain many dangerous pathogens that can make you and your family very ill. A good water system will enable you to use any water near you and purify it for drinking. Water purification tablets will also enable you to treat suspect water to make it drinkable. These tablets are available as chlorine  based tablets. These chlorine tablets will remove most bacteria and viruses from the water.