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Guest blog by Jan Kirkpatrick, President, First Edition First Aid Training Inc., National Philips AED Distributor

Philips AED’s in the Workplace?    Absolutely.  They are saving lives.

The national survival rate, for cardiac arrest (with EMS/Fire responding) is less than 5%.  Locations that house an AED may experience survival rates as high as 70-100%.   This is because lay-people are able to bring the AED to the patient in less than 4 minutes. 

After calling 911 and turning on a Philips AED, the unit will coach the rescuer through the emergency until EMS/Fire is able to respond and take over patient care.   This is one of the key pieces to the substantial increase in workplace cardiac arrest survival.

Cardiac arrest saves (and survival) are occurring across Canada as a result of basic CPR training and the quick responses of co-workers, friends and families. 

Philips AED’s are designed to be used by the ordinary person in an extraordinary moment.   They are the fastest, safest, most user-friendly AED’s on the market and require no regular scheduled maintenance.  

Protect your employees and clients by becoming a ‘heart-safe workplace’

