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A first aid kit. Every home, office and car should have one.

What are the main items you should always have on hand:

  1. CPR Faceshield: Performing CPR is so uncommon, it can be easy to overlook this addition to the first aid kits. Mouth to Mouth rescue breathing may not be a particularly pleasant experience. Carrying a Microshield makes this task much more bearable and sanitary.
  2. Exam Gloves:  Bloodborne diseases can be transmitted through very small cracks in the skin. We don’t tend to worry too much about the potential for bloodborne diseases when working on a spouse or child, but first aid kits aren’t always used on family members.
  3. Band-aids: These are the mainstays of the first aid kit. There are plenty of brands of adhesive bandages. Look for water-proof and latex-free.
  4. Hand Cleaners: Hand-washing with warm water and soap is the best way to prevent the spread of infections (yes, even with gloves on). But as we all know, water and soap aren’t always available. Carry disinfectants in the first aid kit to always have them on hand.
  5. Tweezers: Whether it’s taking out splinters or ticks, tweezers are an absolute necessity in a home or travel first aid kit.

SOS Emergency Response Technologies has a full line of first aid kits to meet any need.